I can provide a variety of stylistic approaches to your project, depending on the needs of your audience, timeline, and budget.
Here are some examples of illustrative options from a very simplistic to a fully rendered style.
Simple but detailed lines
Ideal for a tight
deadline/ budget
Selective Render
Image remains as
line work or simple fill
Area of importance rendered to highlight information and grab audience’s attention
Linework + Spot Color
Simple but detailed lines
with a pop of color to
indicate importance
Black & White Render
A visually dimensional illustration with depth and form, but no color
Flat Black &White
Simple fill of line work,
adds interest without adding
a lot time
Black & White Render + Spot Color
A visually dimensional illustration with depth and form; color only in the area of importance to highlight information and grab
audience’s attention
Flat Color
Simple fill of line work,
adds interest without adding
a lot time
Full Color Render
A visually dimensional illustration with
depth, form and color
High time commitment/cost